I am in the fourth year of my career, and in this part of my academic formation the important of the english lenguaje is very important, because the new information of different areas of psychology comes from english speaking countries and, in generally, all the researches writes in english, because is a global lenguage. For these reasons, I hope learn the basics of lenguage that allow me to understand the new research in psychology.
This term is so short, in fact, we will study in summer and christmas time. This topics is specially complicated for me, because I from Talca and I study in Santiago, and travel to my city will be difficult in this period, when all the people travel to visit your parents. On the other hand, Santiago is a very warm city in summer, and be in class with 30º C will be very unpleasant.
However, I hope approve this subject, and learn so much, because the english lenguage is very difficult to me and I need learn the lenguage for my academic formation and travel to a countries which speak english.
I think you will learn a lot of english and this will be very useful for your career. I think the most important part is to practice.
ResponderEliminarRed-hair :D! I think we are dying in the sun this semester ahahah
ResponderEliminarIt's hard to be in class at this time, however, this semester will go very fast. I hope you spend a good Christmas with your family y. .. do not worry! are not the only one who should go (I go to Chiloe, I have a long and short trip).
ResponderEliminarOn the other hand, I agree with you with the extreme heat of Santiago ... is exhausting!
See you!